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June 02, 2006



I posted in my own comments too, but what a fantastic game! I stayed up for the whole thing, and I definitely paid the price today but it was worth it. I went to bed right after the NU game, though - I knew if I started the UCLA/Tennessee game that I'd get sucked in and stay up even later, so I didn't even watch the first pitch.

NU and Tennessee play at 9 eastern time tonight - it should be another great game!

Thanks for the link! :)


Well, I rooted for NU because of you -- I have nothing against 'Bama, and usually I root for SEC squads over Big Ten teams based on various regional prejudices. But after that comeback you deserved it, and I'll root for you against the Vols tonight. Though I gave many years to UCLA, UCLA softball has been too dominant. Rooting for 'em is like rooting for the Yankees or Brazil; just can't do it.

Rest well!


Thank you for the link, Hugo!

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