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September 22, 2005



Hugo, I have no idea how I came across your blog, but I've been reading for a month or two. I admire especially how well you deal with all the people who comment. Keep up the good work!


Hi Hugo!

My name is Mike, and I am a pediatrician in Texas. I have enjoyed reading your blog a great deal, and just wanted to say hello.



I'm Anna in Northern California. I can't remember how I stumbled onto your blog (it was probably linked by a blog that was linked by another blog I read regularly), but you are in my RSS feeder now, so I get to read your stuff whenever you put anything up. You are a little different from the blogs I normally read (they're mostly tech-related), so it's quite refreshing to go through your writings.


I've been reading your blog for one and half years now. I originally found it in a search for Mennonite bloggers. I believe I've posted a couple comments.


I'm Roz, in London. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I've been reading it for about nine months. I have a pro-feminist boyfriend, and find it comforting that he's not the only sane man in the world.
I don't get to see the comments usually, as I read you via my LiveJournal's RSS aggregator.



I came across your blog a few months ago when I was feeling particularly depressed one morning and did a google search for a few terms related to shyness, loneliness, etc. I happen to have a lot of Avodiant characteristics, and come from a family of shy, introverted people. I was directed to a post from mid-February about so-called "nice guys," which described me pretty well. I'm one of those "less-assertive brothers" you promised to give some consideration to in the future. I find your writings interesting, though I certainly wouldn't call myself a feminist of any stripe. For that matter, I have no real affection for the MRA's either, largely because I, for a variety of reasons, really can't relate to most of my fellow males, or anyone, for that matter.

I don't post largely because many regulars here are, well, just plain mean. I admit to being something of a hothouse flower in terms of self-esteem, and I just don't se why I should open myself up to people I don't even know, only to be torn down by others, which seemed to be happening quite a bit in those two "nice-guy" posts to the unassertive guys who posted there.

As for a bit about myself, I am a contractor for the federal government, currently living in DC and working a dead-end job. I am hoping to go to law school in the next couple of years, but I keep doing poorly on my LSAT practice tests. I'm 27, never married or for that matter had any sort of long-term relationship. I indentify with libertarianism, but I think the actual Libertarian party is just to crazy to deserve my vote. I find your commentary on religion to be very interesting, but I'm a non-religious theist myself.

I like your blog and your thoughts very much, despite the fact I rarely find myself in agreement with you. I think your a good man, and I find your willingness to detail your own faults and experiences, what you've learned from them, to be greatly inspiring at times. Please keep up the excellent work, and the best of wishes to you and your bride on your recent marriage.

I guess this intro turned out to be a lot longer than I thought it would.


Yesterday was delurking day? I miss everything. But then, I did a delurking day of my own a few months ago and I think I'll just stick with that day.

Anyway, hi! I think I found you through Candace or Ginger or Annika shortly after you began blogging, and I'm glad I did. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Taking a Limit

I came across your blog just yesterday while ruminating about the fact that my office building locks the women's bathroom and not the men's. I wondered, is this a statement more about the "inevitability" of female victimization, or men's "inability" to control their sexuality?

Serendipitously, I came across a multitude of blog posts that day (yours included) that commented upon men's growing sexuality issues and how they are often overlooked. Related to this is the modern phenomenon of the stay-at-home-dad.

Similar to Glitch, I too am an aspiring law student and, as a result, routinely read up on law student blawgs. I have often found female law students lamenting their choices for a mate, taking into consideration the conflict between society's expectations of women (primarily, to raise a family) and their needs as a law professional. Subversively, many of these women claim to want a "wife," as it were, of their own.

In any event, all these factors came to a head when I read your blog. I appreciate your insight into the subject.


A quick hello from an infrequently-heard-from epidemiologist in NY. Oh, and a reminder to book your tickets for Germany 2006. Now if I could just figure out a way to convince FIFA to reconsider their decision on official beverages.

Anthony Nieto

Hi Hugo,

I too missed de-lurking day, so in brief: I'm a former student from your Hist 1B class of Spring 05(ipod guy) who was sent this address by way of your automatic signature in a reply e-mail you sent me; This blog has served me like a good book with new chapters written [mostly] daily.

A few common interests we happen to share: Running and body composition {dieting included}, Male Feminism and Gender Studies, European History, and CAL:

How can I not read; Where has this blog been all my life; You're like the friend I don't have; You continue to teach me outstide of the classroom. For that I am eternally greatful.

A. Nieto


Hey's Hugo. I'm a long-time reader, first time Commenter. don't let the name put you off.

To me, Feminism is a very important issue. The most important people in my lives are women, and it tears at me to think that they are considered anything less then equals, to anyone. So, feminism is important to me.

you provide alot of intereting insight, and while i don't always agree with you, i always enjoy reading you.


Hi Hugo. I like the idea of de-lurking. I've been reading regularly for about six months but have only commented a couple of times to say something wildly off-topic and inappropriate. Sorry 'bout that. I do appreciate the wide cross-section of folks who comment here.

I'm a feminist, Pagan, dissertation-writing, college-instructing, Ph.D. student in philosophy living in the northeastern U.S.


Hi, this is Liza, and I am a proud former student of yours (Women in American History, Intro to GLBT History). I never post, but I read your blog religiously because I share your interests in feminism and spirituality. We both share the same Confirmation name---Thomas. Your entries are always insightful, challenging, and provocative, which are reasons why I am so drawn to reading your blog everyday. I am a Women's Studies major at UCLA planning to become a psychiatrist. Thanks for the daily dose of enrichment!

Caelius Spinator

Hugo, I've been reading your blog for about two years. When I first found you, I was living in Chicago. Now I live in Pasadena and attend All Saints. I'm not stalking you, I swear. My life generally has pushed me into your geographical location. (I think I've seen you once). I've commented a few times and enjoy reading your thoughts. But I've also used your blogroll heavily.


Hi, Hugo.

I'm a 21-year-old college grad waiting in the wings to pursue my Master's in Women's Studies. In the mean time, I'm trying to read everything I can get my hands on that gives a feminist perspective, and I've found myself drawn to your writing. It makes me think, which is important for this in-limbo year, about the larger and smaller issues of feminism in the contemporary era.

I love to write, and read, and so your thoughtful entries really inspire me to do the same, and write about issues that I believe are important, althought I do it much less conspicuously, with a readership of close friends, mostly.

I hope to get a larger-reaching blog started within the next few months, as I seem to be a more prolific writer as the months get colder.

Thanks for everything you write.


Hi Hugo!

Long time lurker, first time commenter. I took your 1A and B sections a year or two ago and chanced upon your blog in an email reply signature as well, I think (I doubt you'd remember, but I disputed your etymology of "barbarian"). Now at UC Santa Cruz doubling in Euro history and Classics and loving it! You're one of my dozen or so daily reads- keep it up!


I've been reading here for a while, and I think I have commented here once or twice. I love the site-the writing is thoughtful and always interesting. I'm 24 & live in WI.


I read here regularly and commented on one thread a few months ago. I also read Alas and SYG and comment on those about as often. Feminists and MRAs seem to me to be fighting for the rights to define the view from the dark side of the moon. I find it interesting that there are people who want this so badly.


short and sweet:
hey. i have taken your hist 1a, 1b, hist 25b women in american history and currently i am enrolled in your hist 24F... SPECIAL TOPICS class. :)
i stumbled upon your blog recently and i wish i had sooner because there is a lot of material that i must read up on to recap. why? because, honestly, it is such an enjoyable read. i must confess though, just like the silent student habit i have picked up most recently, i will most likely join the ranks of the fellow lurkers that have commented and the ones that havent yet (or probably won't ever!).


Hi Hugo,
I've been reading for almost a year now, and I've posted a few comments -- I'm a sociology student in Canada who really appreciates how your Christian faith interacts with your feminist leanings. You make me think -- and sometimes wish that I lived in Pasadena. You should write a book -- I'd definitely buy it.


Ralph Luker

Hey, Hugo. My name is Ralph. I lurk here occasionally and blog at Cliopatria. We'd love it if you would slum with the historians more often and -- you know -- post something.


Hi Hugo

I've been reading your blog for, oh, maybe a year or so? I'm not quite sure. I originally found it through Alas (I think).

I'm 24, doing postgrad at university (Spanish major) and live in New Zealand. I find your writing very interesting and am particularly pleased to have found someone writing from a feminist Christian perspective. I've been bashed about the face with negative religious stuff from my mother and (particularly since I'm gay) it's nice to see a more 'liberal' kind of Christianity.


John Jacob

Hi Hugo,

I'm 29, working as a software developer in Bangalore, India. I've been a lurker on your blog for nearly a year now. I originally found your blog through Alas, and both (you and Alas) have become regular reads.

Thanks for a very interesting blog that has certainly broadened my horizons.

- John

Keith McAliley

Hey, Hugo,

I'm a pastor in Kentucky. I enjoy your writing and admire how thoroughly you plumb the depths of your topics. I've been lurking for about six months, and I'll continue to lurk, since I don't have much to say about anything after you're done writing about it. Thanks for doing this.



Hi Hugo,

I'm a grad student in Florida--also a left-leaning Christian, a feminist, and a runner. I found your blog through a friend's blog and have been lurking here for around a year. The scope and richness of your writing is really refreshing. Having recently moved to the Bible Belt from Chicago (and feeling more than a little bit "Otherly" as a result of that), I sincerely appreciate your commitment to thinking broadly, honestly, AND Christianly. Thanks.

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