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April 19, 2004



Hugo - Your blog is always entertaining and informative. I'm awed and inspired by your honesty. This is a really tough issue for men to talk about. Thanks for making me think!

John Sloas

Hugo--I signed up with Hedgebuilders. I've reclaimed my computer--it feels like a safe place. Thank you.


John -- I wasn't sure if they worked for Macs or not - glad to hear they do. They are really good. God bless.

The Angry Clam

But Hugo, without gambling, porn and racism, what's left of the internet?

Jonathan Dresner

Politics. And blogs. And term papers.....


Why do you think I blog so much, mollusk? Jonathan has it right.

The Angry Clam

I was just teasing about the state of the internet.


Even the most devout Christian today (and for the last 2000 years) totally ignores a plainly worded admonition from Jesus that should his right hand "offends" him he ought literally to cut it off (Matt, 5:30). But some men who have despared over "controlling" their behavior by more conventional means, resort to having their own penis surgically removed.


Hugo, thanks for your honesty! None of us is perfect, but it takes courage to admit our flaws.

Bill Ekhardt

Hugo, in conjunction with John's requests for a space for accountability, I've put up a discussion forum with privacy. It just launched today. I don't yet have any subscribers.The Cyber Lake.

Term Paper

thanks for your honesty! None of us is perfect, but it takes courage to admit our flaws.I accept with your thoughts. Hope to hear from you soon.

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